Equinox Blessings | March 2023

Equinox Blessings | March 2023

The Scriptorium's stone walls are cool to the touch and it's dreary outside, but the hearth is always here and lit when you need it. 

  Dear Adventurer,

  Can you feel it?

  Summer relinquishes its grasp at last, leaving us in the liminal Autumn that seems to call us into its embrace. Days are cooler already and will continue to get so, drawing us slowly inward.

  Autumn, however, is a time of balance. Particularly on this most auspicious Equinox. We would encourage you to seek adventure during this time. There are many new things to discover, and the world outside changes by the day. See if you can't observe new smells in the air, the way the gentle sunlight trickles down through trees that will soon be bare, and find the living natural world exhibiting new life amongst the decay.

 On the occasion the weather outside is a little too wet and misty, do make your way back to the Scriptorium so that we can warm you by the fire and teach you a little more about the magic here within.

   Amongst the shelves this month you'll find our favourite scent of crisp and herbaceous autumn leaves, mixed with the scent of woodsmoke from our hearth and of others drifting in from the windows. The witch in the woods has begun to bake her blackberry pies; perhaps you can catch the scent on the wind.

A Studio Update

  The last wave of heat here did a number on the candles we've been pouring. Below you can see the state of one candle after it had sat on the workbench on a hot day.

  To correct these kinds of issues we will use the heat gun to melt the top of the candles and make sure any air bubbles are filled in. We then pour a bit of extra wax on top and leave it to set. Even after all that, the tops still may not set perfectly, as in the last picture.

  Soy wax is temperamental to say the least, and behaves differently depending on ambient temperature, pour temperature and even the specific fragrances used. After 3 years, I've come to believe it's the woodsmoke oil we use in both The Tavern and Harvest Dawn that causes these two candles to set strangely and remain sensitive to ambient heat.

  Once cured, however, any candle will remain mostly shelf stable in all weather - the wax may just discolour with age or sweat slightly. 

 I'm finding relief in the cooling weather here in the Blue Mountains, as it's making my job much easier. The cold comes with its own set of challenges, but there's no doubt you'll hear more about that once Winter is here. 

 Despite its challenges, I find pouring candles can keep me in touch with my environment because I have to anticipate what days are conducive to certain processes within my uninsulated studio.

  What do you love about Autumn? And is your job or daily life affected by the weather outside? I'd love to know what changes you are observing in your corner of the world right now - perhaps we can sit by the Scriptorium hearth with a cup of tea and exchange notes?

Warmest wishes,


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