Refund Policy


We do not accept used items for return or refund, nor do we accept change of mind returns.

We accept no responsibility for dissatisfaction with fragrance, as this is subjective and unable to be proven to be a defect.

You can return undamaged and unused items at our expense if your order is incorrect, and we will offer an exchange or refund. Please contact us within 5 days of receiving your parcel.

A refund will be offered in the case of lost parcels, after we have investigated through postal services and waited an appropriate amount of time for the parcel to arrive.

If you have any concerns or are seeking a return or refund please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do everything we can to help!



If you have received your order and it is damaged, please contact us within 5 days of receiving your order so we can help. You will need to provide photographs of the damaged items, as well as your order number and tracking number.

We do not consider a parcel to be missing until 5 weeks have passed. At which point, please contact us so we can try and locate the parcel.