The Scriptorium

The Scriptorium is a light filled chamber full of dark wooden shelves stacked with scrolls. Desks piled with books are scattered around the sunken centre, lit by the vaulted glass ceiling above. To one side of the chamber sits an impressive stone hearth full of crackling embers, and atop its mantel is a row of ever-burning candles. As you enter the space, a new candle ignites with a spark and your name appears along its golden waxy surface.

The Scriptorium

Adventure Awaits: 2024

Adventure Awaits: 2024

It's been quiet around here lately, the Summer driving many an adventurer out into the world. We here at the Scriptorium have been busy cataloguing, organising and restructuring this space....

Adventure Awaits: 2024

It's been quiet around here lately, the Summer driving many an adventurer out into the world. We here at the Scriptorium have been busy cataloguing, organising and restructuring this space....

Sun-Kissed Offerings: A Spirited Approach to Creative Work

Sun-Kissed Offerings: A Spirited Approach to Cr...

Good morning Adventurer,The sun has been shining lately, and while I'm writing to you on a cloudy morning, I wanted to share with you a sunny Monday morning in the...

Sun-Kissed Offerings: A Spirited Approach to Cr...

Good morning Adventurer,The sun has been shining lately, and while I'm writing to you on a cloudy morning, I wanted to share with you a sunny Monday morning in the...

A Shift In The Air | August 2023

A Shift In The Air | August 2023

The Scriptorium is cool and quiet, like you're the first one here in some time. It doesn't stop the hearth from roaring to life as you approach. You'll have company...

A Shift In The Air | August 2023

The Scriptorium is cool and quiet, like you're the first one here in some time. It doesn't stop the hearth from roaring to life as you approach. You'll have company...

Winter Winds | May 2023

Winter Winds | May 2023

The wind outside brushes tree branches against the Scriptorium's arched windows. You to bristle at the thought of being out in the cold, but a glance toward the room's large crackling...

Winter Winds | May 2023

The wind outside brushes tree branches against the Scriptorium's arched windows. You to bristle at the thought of being out in the cold, but a glance toward the room's large crackling...

Help Refill Some Vessels

Help Refill Some Vessels

Good evening Adventurer, My Dad is as much an avid collector of Lost World offerings as you are. He's returned to me some goblets and he's asked me to refill them...

Help Refill Some Vessels

Good evening Adventurer, My Dad is as much an avid collector of Lost World offerings as you are. He's returned to me some goblets and he's asked me to refill them...

Slowing Down for Samhain | April 2023

Slowing Down for Samhain | April 2023

The Scriptorium is full of hollowed out gourds that a turnip? Their various charming smiles are lit from within by candles, flickering as you walk by. The deceptive golden...

Slowing Down for Samhain | April 2023

The Scriptorium is full of hollowed out gourds that a turnip? Their various charming smiles are lit from within by candles, flickering as you walk by. The deceptive golden...